Majority of austerity is still to come – how the public sector can respond

According to a Guardian article, quoting the Institute for Fiscal Studies, the UK is to date less than half way through its austerity programme, with sweeping cuts to public sector and local government still to come.

bigstock_Budget_cuts_7711121Obviously this is due in part to the slower recovery, but with  the ring fencing of health, education and international aid, other Government departments will need to bear the brunt of the cost savings that need to be made.

Of course there is every likelihood in the run up to an election that this budget cutting will get political.  But this does not help the hard pressed finance departments of local or national government, trying to balance the books whilst facing a continuing reduction in real spending.

Fortunately business automation can help any local or national public institution to significantly mitigate the risk to frontline services by reducing costly business administration through more effective back office processes.g_cloud

Recently Readsoft received a Government Procurement Service G-Cloud contract to supply UK public sector organisations with Readsoft Online.  This cloud based service has an immediate and lasting impact on the cost of business processes, particularly within the Accounts Payable function.  This means that public sector organisations can rapidly transform the finance function into a best in class operation, using secure and seamless cloud services.

Not only does this make the finance function more efficient, it also cuts dramatically the physical reams of paper that clutter desks, further reducing costs.magnifying_glass_coin

So whilst difficult decisions will need to be made in the future about how to fund services, public sector organisations that work with Readsoft can be sure that they are not spending any income inefficiently – driving more budget to font line services.